Fornax ICT recently moved into a new office due to its success

2014. 06. 16.

Cégünk folyamatos fejlődésének köszönhetően kinőtte Gizella úti irodáját, így nemrég egy nagyobb, tágas és korszerű irodába költözött a Hungária körúti M3 Business Centerbe.

We are happy to inform you that due to its success our company is developing continuously, therefore we carry on with our work in a bigger space required by our growth in the office complex in Hungária körút. Our new premises are in the spacious, modern offices in building B.

Just like at our former site, parking is of course possible, there is an open air parking lot under the building on ground level, where our guests are able to leave their cars.

When choosing the space for our new offices good price-value ratio, the flexibility to grow, downsize or relocate, and an easily accessible, busy but not hectic environment all played an important role. According to our principles, our company’s achievement is determined by the performance of the people working for our group. As Fornax ICT pays special attention to this aspect, it was important for us to provide an office site for our colleagues that facilitates high-quality work with its pleasant and peaceful environment. Considering all of the above we have chosen M3 Business Center.’ – Zoltán Nagy, managing director of Fornax ICT Ltd. said.

As of the 16th of June, 2014 the site and mailing address of our company has therefore changed from 1143 Budapest, Gizella út 42-44. to:

Fornax ICT Infokommunikációs Megoldások Kft.

M3 Business Center

1146 Budapest, Hungária krt. 179-187.

B épület, 5.emelet

Click on the link below for more information on how to reach and contact us.

We hope that this change will not only result in our increased efficiency, it will also ensure the satisfaction of our clients.