NFC Competence in Fornax ICT

2012. 08. 01.

In the past year or so we have encountered more and more mobile handsets, in the specifications which we can see the NFC abbreviation.

At first glance, this is no more than a new data transfer technology, such as Bluetooth. If, however, NFC is complemented with a secure chip capable of storing sensitive data, the phone will be able to substitute any and all of the plastic cards on our pockets. Our phone can be our contactless credit card, our tickets, our loyalty cards, our Ids, even our purses. Moreover, as our phone can access the network, we can top up our travel card anytime, anywhere, we do not need to search for a kiosk.
So much for the good news. The bad news is, a lot of work has to be done to make all of this real. Mobile application developers, cardlet coders, system integrators still have a lot to do, and MNOs and secure chip manufacturers a lot of investment to make in order to enable the above scenarios.
While market stakeholders are contemplating the ways in which they can make profit or increase their clientele with the help of the new technology, Fornax ICT keeps an eye open on the brewing NFC soup. The company was among the first ones to build NFC competence and already has multi year experience with the technology. A successful European research project (StoLPaN) and multiple pilots are the milestones which contributed to Fornax ICT’s leading status in this domain.